I’d like to answer this question with a series of questions.ย May I do that?
If you gassed your car once per month, what would your life be like?
The average American gasses their car once per week.
If you eat or drink once per month, how good would life be?
How often do you (golf, ski, hike, get to the gym, etc)?
The average golfer plays just under once per week.
Cars, food and hobbies, like Chiropractic, are about lifestyle.ย Groceries, golf, kayaking, skiing, visits to grandma, and work use up gas quickly. ย ย ย Like your gas tank, these same activities put strain on you.ย You have to eat daily to recharge your body.ย Obviously, once per month wouldn’t cut it.
Chiropractic is that spiritual recharge we all need.ย It calms the mind and eases the body.ย Its that pep we all need to keep going in life.ย It’s that energy we get while at our favorite football team’s home game and they win.ย It’s that feeling you get when your spouse comes home from a business trip.ย It’s that warm smile when you see family for the first time in a year.ย It’s that love you feel when you know someone is taking care of you.
So how often do you want that?ย Once per month or once per week?
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