One key component to changing the future while in the present is training.ย We train in the present in preparation for what we want to build in the future.
In athletics we train our bodies to endure the rigors of games and seasons.ย Training incorporates real game situations.ย Advertising is another form of training where companies are preparing us to purchase their product.ย Politics and school prepareย us for ย tests.
In Chiropractic were training your nerve system to connect with its source and your body.ย Source connectionย heals the body.ย We’re training ligaments to hold bones in new positions therefore improving alignment, therefore improving connection.ย Therefore enduring flow.ย We’re speaking into your life training your brain to say I can… I can heal, I can express, I can love.
Training is what allows us to do when the times are toughest.ย Then others are failing, tiring, collapsing, and falling off, it’s our training that allows us to keep going.ย Train yourself now (and keep training) for what you want your life to look like in 2030.
Dr. Brian
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