Grab a piece of paper….
Title it “My Top Five Life Priorities”
Number it 1 – 5.
List in order, your life’s top five priorities.ย In other words, number one, is the most important priority of your life.
These are to be items, not specifics.ย For example, one of mine is “family” rather than specifically, Suzy, Tony, Faith, and Ian.
Once you have your list, you’ll always have an answer to the pressing questions because you know what your priorities are.ย For example, “Do I go to the wedding or the football game?”ย Well…. is it a family wedding or your neighbors son?ย And, what ranks higher, family or sports?ย Is it your child’s football game or are you spending time with your family going to a football game?ย Creating this list helps ease the decision making process.
There are no right or wrong answers here.ย So don’t go copying your spouse or neighbor’s answers.ย This is YOUR list.ย Yes, it is helpful for spouses to sit down and discuss their answers honestly and why.ย It may help you realize why you and your spouse do/do not get along so well.ย Likewise, it can help solve some of those long term dilemmas.
Should you choose to do so, feel free to share with others or even post your list below.
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