I find the hardest part about a vision, is holding it during the reality.ย And that’s why I share the vision here.
The vision is one where people all love each other, get along, and help each other.ย We ought to let each other be, free to live our lives.ย We are to walk with each other and lift each other up.
The reality is we live in a divided world, and the powers that be seek to further drive the wedge between us, regardless of our affiliation(s).ย Everyone’s vision is clouded by our own biases and interpretations.ย That reality interferes with the vision.ย Makes it difficult to keep in focus.
But the more I share that vision, the clearer it becomes.ย Sure, people will continue to shade their own eyes.ย But the ones who remove their blinders, see it and benefit from it.ย So there it is.ย Will you help me attain it?
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