Let’s play a quick word game.ย Rearrange the letters of the following word to form another word which aids the given word:
We all have our own talking style.ย For example, our voice inflections and tone convey emotion.ย But do we take a moment to observe how a person talks?ย Are they a face to face talker or side by side?ย Does your child talk in a car or prefer their bedroom?ย Does your friend prefer talking while walking or playing a game?ย Or over a meal, coffee, or beer?
When I listen I have a want to jump in and give a solution quickly.ย While that works for some, it’s usually better to wait and remain silent.ย Then ask questions which help that person come to their own conclusions.ย That way they own their own solutions and be INspired to achieve their goal.
We’ll see you for your adjustment this week!
Yours in Health,
Dr. B
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