Are you prepared to live a life of passion? Many people talk about living a life of passion. then you see them and they are glum and glib. Their life has been sucked out of them. That’s because living a life of passion takes preparation and perseverance.
Once you take the steps to think over and write out your best life, your mind springs into action to fulfill that dream. I remember my youth when I was picked on and bullied. One day I decided those people didn’t matter and I was going to live my life. I kept telling myself, “What I believe will be, will be.” And that’s what happened. Overnight my life changed. I made friends, met girls, and rose in popularity through college.
What I wasn’t prepared for was the perseverance needed to sustain this new found passion. My ego got in the way and I expected everything to come my way when I wanted it. Things fell apart, my mind checked out of life and I became that glib guy who talked the talk and didn’t walk the walk.
Fast forward and I remembered my old mantra, “What I believe will be, will be.” Say that statement out loud. Now say it again with power and emotion. How does that feel? To me it feels amazing and my whole body stands behind it. Because it’s true. Go write down your life’s goals, believe they’ll happen and persevere through the work necessary to make them happen. With each step you’ll realize the principle of “to those who have, more will be given.”
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