None of us questions that our skin will heal when we cut it.ย Regardless of if we cut our hand while chopping veggies, or scrape our knee from a fall off our bike, or we get caught in a pricker bush while on a hike.ย We KNOW it will heal.ย ย The same is true on the inside of our body.ย We just don’t see it.ย When you “catch a cold”, you get over it.ย When you come down with the flu, you recover.ย All that mucous you cough up, that’s the infection being expelled from your lungs and throat.ย It’s your body healing.
Right now you may be thinking, “But, what about______?”ย Don’t allow the “buts” into your mind.ย They create doubt.ย Doubt leads to fear.ย We all have confidence until fear creeps in.ย Fear is all in the mind.ย It is only a thought. Fear isn’t physical.ย We don’t see it, there is nothing to feel or hold.ย ย Confidence is also a thought in the mind.ย It isn’t physical, there is nothing to feel or hold.ย Now you are at the power of choice, fear vs. confidence, fear vs. faith.ย Therefore you have the power to change your outcome by thinking.ย Choosing to KNOW that your body heals, changes the outcomes.ย Therefore, have confidence in yourself and your ability to heal.
Controlling the fear and maintaining confidence (faith) is our job as humans.
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