One of my favorite songs is Jimmy Buffet’s “A Pirate Looks at 40”.ย In this song, Jimmy looks back on his life and all he’s done to that point.ย July marks Nardi Family Chiropractic’s 20th year in practice.ย As I look back, it’s amazing for a business to make it that long and we have all of you to thank for it.ย We’ve met over 5000 people along our way whom we have files for.
Over the years we’ve had some laughs.ย Sharing jokes and chiropractic puns bring me joy.ย We’ve had people dance out of the office, leaving their cane behind on the way out.ย We’ve had patients get their vision and another get their hearing back.ย We’ve adjusted kids in hospitals.ย I’ve even watched constipated patients loose their bowels on a table… to them it was a miracle.ย Through it all, it’s the people who matter most to me.
I love seeing you all at the grocery store, golf course, and movie theater.ย We appreciate your on-line testimonials and 5 star ratings.ย It all comes down to living innately, from the heart, the way God wants us all to.ย Your changes and improvements inspire me and I hope our words return that feeling.
Thank you for the past twenty years and we pray for the next twenty to come.
So grateful for you! Happy 20th Anniversary! You no longer are a teenager!!!
Thank you Brenda! I feel more mature already.