Anyone with a chronic lung condition needs to ensure their lungs and bronchi are receiving uninterrupted nerve communication from their spines. ย When this connection has interference the lungs will not work up to their potential and one condition that can develop is called asthma.
Asthma is a condition where the small sacs and airways of the lungs (called bronchioles and bronchi, respectively) become swollen, spasm and can fill with mucous making breathing difficult. ย Asthmatics struggle for each breath when an attack occurs. ย They wheeze, and can literally gasp for life. ย Such attacks may be of short duration, but may occur multiple times over a lifetime. ย Each one can create an anxiety that it may be their last breath.
The medical idea is to treat the symptoms of the asthma through medication. ย Cortisone and steroids are the primary medications used. ย These medications temporarily relieve the spasm and swelling of an attack and seek to prevent future attacks.
In Chiropractic we help the body heal itself by reconnecting the life within the body to the body. ย Chiropractors understand the vital connection between the structure of the spine and the function of the nerve system. ย The Chiropractor will evaluate and analyze the structure of the spine and function of the nerve system, determine where the interference is within the nerve system and then adjust the structure to restore normal, healthy communication between the brain and body thus restoring and allowing the life within the body to do the healing.
In a study of 81 Children, 73 showed significant improvement after Chiropractic; 25 of them voluntarily reduced their medication by an average of 66.5%.(1)
Another study of 185 men and 87 women showed improve respiratory (lung) function after spinalย care. (2)
A third study of patients with Chronic pulmonary disease, including bronchitis and emphysema, over 90% reported improvement of symptoms with Chiropractic care. (3)
Many people, including Dr. Nardi himself have received help with their asthma through Chiropractic adjustments. ย Many have thrown away their medication(s) and never looked back. ย If you or someone you know need help, give us a call.
(1) Graham RL, An impairment rating analysis of asthmatic children under chiropractic care. ย JVSR, 1997; 1(4)
(2) Stoddard, A. ย Manual of Osteopathic Practice. ย 2nd edition, London: Hutchinson and Co; 1983:16
(3)Melin G; Lung function in relation to thoracic spinal mobility and kyhposis. Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitative medicine, 1987, 19:89-102
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