You may not realize just how much you use your shoulders on a daily basis. At the same time, if you have experienced a shoulder injury, you most certainly notice it, maybe even on a daily basis. A shoulder injury can make it hard for you to exercise, remove objects from a high cabinet, drive […]
Vision 2030: Discover Chiropractic Print
Very often, on the feature wall near table three you will see a lighthouse print that states: “You never know how far reaching something you think, say, or do today will affect the lives of countless millions tomorrow.” BJ Palmer Our core message is that Chiropractic is life care.ย We do our best to care […]
How to Overcome Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome Using Chiropractic
If you have been told that you have Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, which is usually shortened to TMJ, then you have a problem with the muscles that control the movements of your jaw. Unfortunately, TMJ dysfunction is relatively common. TMJ stands for the temporomandibular joint. This joint is responsible for opening your jaw, closing your jaw, […]
Vision2030: Coffee
Did you know we have a coffee cart?ย In our efforts to continue to provide great service and experience to our patients and practice members, we have a coffee cart complete with single use Keurig cups.ย We provide both Starbucks and Dunkin’ coffee.ย We also provide a variety of teas and all natural Stevia sweetener. […]
5 Tips for Avoiding Low Back Pain While Raking Leaves
With summer now in the rearview mirror, the temperature is starting to cool off. The sun is starting to set a little bit earlier and the kids are back in school. At the same time, this also means that the leaves are starting to change colors. Soon, they are going to start tumbling to the […]
Vision 2030: 20 BIG Dreams
ย Self Sufficiency ย Humility towards God / higher power / universe / source ย Help others heal ย Be loved by another / Have love for others ย Smile and laugh every day ย Be told / say, “I love you” every day ย Provide for my wife and kids dreams ย Own a Lambo ย Step foot on every continent ย Topple the […]