Thank you again for reading our previous posts.ย I received more feedback on our last post further explaining our situation. I’m reading the book Real Love, by Greg Baer, M.D.ย In it he is talking about the difference between what he calls Real (agape) Love and Imitation Love.ย His position is that we are not […]
Jaunuary Anniversaries
We thank you all for sharing your Chiropractic story with others.ย We appreciate that so many of you are on mission with us to see the world healed and are actively participating in helping us change the way people think and view health and the way their bodies work.ย You are all making an impact […]
Follow-up to “An Honest Leveling”
I’d like to thank you all for reading our posts, it has been a humbling week to learn that so many of you are reading.ย I know this because a good number of you have discussed our last post during your adjustments.ย But the reaction wasn’t quite was I was expecting, so I went back […]
An Honest Leveling…
I’ve had a few people, Practice Members and Chiropractors alike that have told me they feel like I’m still holding back and not completely free.ย I have to agree.ย In fact I know I am.ย I hold back on a couple of things and I’m going to begin the process of breaking through right here, […]
December Office Anniversaries and Announcements
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.ย May the joy and comfort of the season bless you and keep you well. REMINDER: ย Next week we are only open on Wednesday 12/26/12 8-11 and 3-6.ย We’ll resume regular hours on Wednesday January 2. This months Anniversaries are: 2 years:ย James D, Sheila D 3 years:ย Unnamed 4 […]
Love, Healing, and Random Acts of Kindness
Here are my thoughts regarding Sandy Hook Elementary School: 1.ย Love on them, pray for them. 2.ย Realize this goes beyond the upcoming talks of gun control, violent video games, mental illness and subluxations… While some of the previous items may or may not be appropriate responses, its a human condition at hand.ย Go beyond […]