By Kelly, Chiropractic Assistant (and future Chiropractor), Nardi Family Chiropractic
When I started college, I realized that I was going to have to cut back and narrow down my extracurricular activities. Unlike high school, where I spread out my time and energy over many different interests, I knew in college I was going to be doing a few things at a deeper and more involved level.
Through a period of reflection I came to discover how I prioritized the things I did. Some activities, like dancing, were at the top of the list, while others, like working on a literary magazine, got cut.
Encompassing the entire list was the assumption that I would be healthy and able to do all of the things that I wanted to do. It was the ultimate priority, because without my health, my list wouldnโt matter- none of it would be possible.
That is why I made a commitment to getting checked by my chiropractor in Washington, D.C. at least once a week. I wanted to maintain my health so that I could make the most of my college experience.
What are your life priorities? What do you want to accomplish? How are you going to maintain your health so that you can be the best version of yourself?
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