Our office stays at a constant 70 degrees Fahrenheit.ย Most often people don’t even notice or ask what the temperature is.ย Last week when the thermometer topped 95 degrees twice, people too notice.ย A number of folks mentioned how cold it was in the office.ย The funny thing is, a similar but opposite reaction occurs during the winter.ย When the temperature drops below freezing, people note how warm it is in the office.ย Yet the office is a constant 70 degrees.
I often ask people “how can I help you?”ย Or, “how can I be of service?”ย A very common answer is “please help me feel better.”ย Although I understand this request for help, I often wonder if the person in front of me does.ย Nobody wants to live in pain or with dis-ease.ย We want comfort.ย However, I think that comfort is relative.
When was the last time you walked through a terminal cancer ward at the local hospital?ย Regardless of how bad you feel, would you trade places with them?ย Do you think they’d trade places with you?ย I’ve always found this to be a good lesson in relativity.ย I begin thinking of these people and my aches and pains somehow go away.
Did you volunteer at your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter this week?ย No matter how much the bills pile up or how little remains in the savings (and we complain about it) … i’ll take that over the alternative.
When people state they want to feel better, I know what they mean is, “I want to function better” or “I want a better life than what I am living right now.”ย That’s Chiropractic.ย We help people lead better lives.ย We teach our people how to do so.ย We make adjustments to your life.ย In response you “feel better” about yourself and in turn the body adapts and heals, regardless of the diagnosis or condition.
That is what separates us; we dig deeper and nurture the roots, rather than water the branches and being superficial.ย True change requires time, energy, and effort by both parties.ย This is our promise to you, to nurture you throughout your life so grow into the person you are meant to become.ย Give us a call, we’re here to help.