Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) food is a hot topic now-a-days.ย There are laws going into effect to label and inform the public that a particular food source is Genetically Modified.ย These laws are in place to protect us.ย I am thankful that Connecticut is leading the way on this issue.
Studies with squirrels and chickens show they will NOT eat GMO corn… because it’s not food…
Think about it, corn is corn.ย Once the “corn” is genetically modified, it ceases to be corn and becomes something else.ย Personally, we’re waiting to see the (negative) long term effects on health due to GMO “food”.
GMO is a very polarizing topic.ย GMO scientists state there is no ill effects of GMO food stuffs.ย In fact, even our president signed a law that protects companies that grow GMO food and absolves them from any wrong doing.ย Much like was done for vaccine companies years ago.
Let’s ask the GMO test mice what they think….
Which side of this fence are you on?
Chiropractic is very similar.ย Chiropractic is Chiropractic.ย Chiropractic is about you allowing your potential to be released and expressed so you can maximize that potential in life. When it becomes “modified” with treatments (ex: Physical Therapy, Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Massage) it ceases to be Chiropractic and becomes another tool in the toolbox of the medicine man.
That’s why we provide pure, authentic, and straight Chiropractic… Because it’s Chiropractic.
Thank you for forwarding this post to your friends and family.ย They deserve to be aware of “Genetically Modified Chiropractic” just as they deserve to be aware their food is GMO.
June Anniversaries
Six Year: Ketil O
Five Year: Gillian K
Two Year:ย John K, Butch and Patty S
One Year: Lynda B
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