This starts off like a bad dad joke then turns philosophical like “where do all of the left socks go?”ย But there is a physiological answer also… Weight is stored energy. As we eat less and/or exercise more, we use the up the stores of energy to live.ย Our bodily processes use these stores to […]
Our Thoughts of the Week
Vision 2030: Hamburger Helper For The Holidays
I’ve recently learned how I can’t out exercise my nutrition.ย This was a hard lessen to accept.ย I was taught so earlier in life while at school.ย I love being active and had always been able to just eat.ย So, the lesson never really sunk in.ย But I lost fifteen pounds over six months.ย Actually, […]
Mailbag: Will I Ever Be Normal Again?
I understand this question is asking “Will I ever be like I was before?”ย It’s a variation of “Will I be healthy?” or “Will I ever feel good?”ย The short answer is Yes. Also realize that “normal” changes.ย Adaptation requires change.ย If you’re 50 years old, will you ever feel like or act like you […]
Vision 2030: My Teacher’s Name is Chicken Soup
I like making my own chicken broth and soup.ย For the longest time, I would put a whole chiecken in water with onions, carrots and celery, add some thyme and a couple of hours later, I’d pull out all of the bones and nastiness and have chicken soup.ย Recently, my wife pointed out how while […]
Mailbag: Why Does The Body Need Water?
The body needs water because 70% of the body is water.ย Each of your cells is made up of 70% water.ย Your blood is mostly water.ย Each time you urinate, breathe, or sweat water takes cellular debris out of the body.ย That water needs to be replenished.ย Water helps keep joints lubricated.ย The discs in […]