You may not realize just how much you depend on your shoulders to help you throughout your day until you suffer an injury. There are numerous ways that someone might suffer an injury of the shoulder; however, one of the most common involves the rotator cuff. If you have been diagnosed with a rotator cuff […]
Our Thoughts of the Week
Vision 2030: Nutrition Success Facts, Pt 2
Today, I’d like to focus on the “Risk” line item. This is often the place I hold back.ย I’m a calculated risk taker.ย It doesn’t come naturally to me.ย I like having a plan for the possibilities.ย If you’re like me, you also know you can’t possibly plan for ALL of the possibilities.ย But for […]
6 Neck Mobility Exercises That Will Change Your Life
If you are experiencing neck, back, or shoulder pain, then you should think about performing neck mobility exercises. Neck mobility exercises will increase your flexibility, mobility, and range of motion. Furthermore, by approaching your joints from the neck down, this can also improve your overall posture while alleviating stress and tension. Take a look at […]
Vision 2030: Success Nutrition Facts
This print is in keeping with the idea of “align”.ย In anything you want to achieve, you must align yourself with principles of success, regardless of the endeavor.ย Whether you are an entrepreneur with a new start-up, a CEO managing a corporation, an athlete seeking a scholarship, or you being you, these principles apply. Seeking […]
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & How Can Chiropractic Help?
When people think about a chiropractor, they usually think about a health care professional who specializes in helping people with back pain, spinal cord issues, and alignment problems. Even though chiropractors see these type of health problems, they also help treat other conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome. With the rise of mobile devices, computers, and […]
Vision 2030: 2020 Vision on 20 Years in Practice
One of my favorite songs is Jimmy Buffet’s “A Pirate Looks at 40”.ย In this song, Jimmy looks back on his life and all he’s done to that point.ย July marks Nardi Family Chiropractic’s 20th year in practice.ย As I look back, it’s amazing for a business to make it that long and we have […]