One of the most pressing issues facing the healthcare system today is chronic pain. If you are someone who deals with chronic pain, you understand just how devastating this can be. There are numerous causes of chronic pain, and one of the most common examples is myofascial pain syndrome. If you suffer from myofascial pain […]
Our Thoughts of the Week
Vision 2030: Gentleman’s Games
Back in November I watched the USA vs. England World Cup match.ย An extraordinary thing happened that needs to happen more often in life. During the match, two players collided and an American player went down with an obvious injury.ย In soccer, play continues despite the injury and often teams will take advantage of the […]
How Upper Cervical Spinal Misalignments Affect TMJ Disorders & What To Do About It
It is common for people to seek the care of healthcare professionals when they are suffering from TMJ pain, which stands for pain in the temporomandibular joint. After all, the jaw is a massive hinge. The TMJ is responsible for connecting the bottom portion of the jaw to the top portion of the jaw. The […]
Vision 2030: Keep Going
Now that you’re well into your goals for 2023, here at the end of January, you’ll likely feel the pull to quit.ย Keep going. These will reveal themselves as the hunger pangs of the new diet or nutritional program, or the soreness of a month of working out.ย Or you’re feeling better as you’ve engaged […]
Why Chiropractic Care Is A Great Choice for People Who Suffer from Migraine Headaches
Are you someone who suffers from migraine headaches? If so, you may be looking for treatment options. Even though you may think that you have to take prescription medications in order to treat your migraine headaches, this is not necessarily the case. Continue reading to learn more. According to research that has been produced by […]
Vision 2030: 20 Ways to Show Your Love
ย Write a letter and mail it ย ย Affirm your love ย Spend time together ย Give a meaningful gift ย Take a week’s chores off their hands ย Lovingly hold their hand / stroke their back ย Smile and laugh with each other ย Go for a walk together ย Go on a horseback ride together ย Make a meal together ย Play a game […]