I practice Chiropractic in a principled manner because I’ve always known there is more to this world than meets the eye.ย It is more than just a physical world.ย There have been times in my life when I’ve had to look inside and make some hard decisions to step up or shrink down.ย Each time […]
Our Thoughts of the Week
4 Ways to Protect Your Back While Doing Yard Work
Mowing the lawn, weeding, gardening, and raking leaves: these are just a few of the tasks that most people dread doing. However, there is one task in particular that can be especially difficult for those who have back pain: yard work. Yard work puts your spine at risk because it often requires bending down to […]
Vision 2030: Happy Independence Day
Have you given much thought to what it takes to achieve Independence? Or is it just on July 4th?ย Is it just a date that some people attained from fighting a war which we weren’t around for but read about in history books?ย Is it a day off from work to spend grilling with our […]
Vision 2030: What is Principled Chiropractic? Part 2: How is Principled Chiropractic Different?
Last week we defined what Principled Chiropractic is.ย This week we will describe what sets it apart from other styles of practice.ย Next week we’ll talk about why we are a Principled Chiropractor. The Difference by Definition For starters, there is only one Chiropractic.ย The original Chiropractors, specifically Dr. DD Palmer (The Discoverer) and Dr. […]
Vision 2030: What is Principled Chiropractic? (Part1)
People will often call the office and ask if we provide different types of therapies or modalities.ย Ninety-nine percent of the time that question revolves around Physical Therapy modalities like electric stimulation or massage.ย My answer to that question is always that we provide Chiropractic care.ย Because that has come to be the case, we […]
Vision 2030: The Aftermath of Closing the Walls…
So once we got the basement walls closed up, painted and finished, three of the outlets and the outlet in our master bath stopped working…. Deep breath, eye roll, shake my head… This is the stuff I find frustrating.ย It was all working.ย I had my cousin who is an electrician come over and look […]