Are we consistently giving Thanks? I consistently tell my wife, Suzy, that she is God’s masterpiece.ย I thank her for having the various creative skills she has.ย She makes artwork, and crafts that brighten our home,ย She repairs broken things.ย She connects with our kids in ways that I haven’t been able to. She also […]
Our Thoughts of the Week
Angel Tree 2023
Our Angel Tree Tags are in.ย They’ll be available beginning Saturday, November 18, 2023.ย This year we are supporting the most children we have ever supported, 48 local children in all.ย This is double our norm. Each year we support local children, teens, and special needs young adults during the holidays, via Avon Social Services […]
Wellness Wednesday: 5 Nutritional Tips That’ll Help Boost Your Immune System
If you want to prevent yourself from getting sick, you need to take a closer look at your diet. Your immune system and diet go hand-in-hand, so eating a healthy diet can prevent you from falling ill. Take a look at a few important nutritional tips that can boost your immune system, and reach out […]
Chiropractic is like…. Five Bars on Your Cell Phone
Living life with five bars on your mobile phone… How is the signal on your mobile phone when it has three, two, or one bar?ย Or worse yet, it’s roaming?ย The signal is low, calls break up, and the internet doesn’t load.ย This is living life subluxated. Chiropractic is living life with five bars.ย Calls […]
Vision 2030: Sickness Industry vs Innate learning
I was talking with a Physician’s Assistant I know.ย He was telling me how angry he was because his office was eliminating the two Chiropractor positions as of January 1, 2024.ย The reason is they don’t bring in enough money. Chiropractic is about connecting you with your innate and inborn natural wisdom.ย You have the […]
Thoughts From The Heart: Is Halloween Happy?
Happy Halloween!ย Have fun and be safe Trick or Treating! *** Soapbox warning… now is your time to exit….*** Why do we say these platitudes every year? Do we just not want to bother with being honest?ย Are we afraid of what others might think if we are honest?ย Or what do they think if […]