What do you see when you hold an infant? Do you see a child?ย Do you see your child? Or do you see a future leader?ย Of an organization?ย Do you see a State governor or country president? Do you see an astronaut, nurse, or full time parent? Do you see the next world peacemaker […]
Our Thoughts of the Week
Thoughts From The Heart
Now that we are three weeks into January, it is likely you are beginning to shake off the New Year’s Resolution excitement.ย It’s around now (or maybe over the next week and a half) that people come down off the New Year’s high and begin to lose track of their conviction to follow through. The […]
Wellness Wednesday: How Weight Loss Helps Reduce Back Pain
Do you suffer from back pain? If so, you have probably sought the help of a medical professional. Back pain is one of the most common reasons why people go to the doctor. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who believe they need to take prescription pain medications to deal with back pain. Even […]
How To Conquer Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Using Chiropractic Care
There are countless people who spend their days sitting behind a desk. Often, this means typing on a computer. Even though many people believe this job does not carry a high risk of injury, there is a chance people could develop carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a devastating condition that can make it very difficult […]
Chiropractic is Like…. January 2nd
After all of the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the parties, the late nights, the birthdays, the shopping, and the traveling,ย isn’t it great to take a deep breath and experience the calm of January 2nd? Chiropractic is like January 2nd. When you’re having a rough day, things hurt, or you’re stressed, each […]
Vision 2030: Giving Goals
Every New Year is a good time to focus on your goals.ย Review last year’s goals and give thanks for what you accomplished.ย Review your three, five, and ten-year goals and reevaluate them.ย Have you gained traction on them?ย Also, be setting new goals for the current year.ย This year, we’re adding Giving goals. What’s […]