By Kelly, Chiropractic Assistant (and future Chiropractor), Nardi Family Chiropractic When I started college, I realized that I was going to have to cut back and narrow down my extracurricular activities. Unlike high school, where I spread out my time and energy over many different interests, I knew in college I was going to be […]
Our Thoughts of the Week
Chiropractic is Like Riding a Bike
All summer long I have been telling Faith that she was going to ride her bike without the training wheels before going back to school.ย All summer long she has been fighting me about keeping them on.ย It has been reminding me of last summer when she did this about jumping off a diving board […]
The Only Way to Fail…
“The only way to fail, is to quit” What are you aiming for?ย What’s your goal?ย What are you working towards? If your goal is to study the martial arts and attain a black belt, that can take years to achieve.ย Do you stop at year five if you haven’t attained the goal yet?ย Would […]
What Do You Want To Do?
I’m really just a big kid at heart.ย But now as a big kid in an adult body and life, rather than playing with Legos and Star Wars action figures, it’s golf, skiing, and kayaking.ย As easy as it was to give up the Legos and action figures, I still get annoyed and whine like […]
Alice Cooper
We all have negativity in our lives; thoughts, people, statements that affect us.ย It’s what we do after the fact that determines who we are. Recently, I’ve been dealing with poison ivy.ย I’m currently on my fourth bout since the beginning of June.ย (My weed trimmer will be receiving a very thorough cleaning this weekend)ย […]
When You Are Out to Change the World, Things Like This are Bound to Happen
What the hell is wrong with people? If you read these messages regularly, then today’s message obviously doesn’t pertain to you.ย I let everyone know during orientation, READ YOUR EMAILS FROM US for this very reason…. When I left the office Monday night there was a BRIGHT YELLOW piece of paper on the door stating […]