I’m a fan of life au natural. ย Natural life; let things be and they will happen the way they are intended to happen. ย No need to force it or bring something to fruition before its time. ย Be ready for it when it’s time has come, but don’t force it into existence. Believe me it doesn’t […]
Our Thoughts of the Week
Life is Messy
I tend to be someone who likes order and organization. ย I’m not much for chaos. I’m the guy who is always on time or early. ย Tardiness is unacceptable and irritates me. Everything has a place. ย And everything is in it’s place. I keep the house tidy and clean. ย Even if it means something every day. […]
Relationships are Messy
Controversies come and go, they’re all really just media hype any way. ย Today it’s Starbucks cups, tomorrow it’ll be who came out of the closet. ย A year from now, it’ll be some tiny detail about the presidential election that has nothing to do at all from leadership. ย With Facebook and Twitter and on-line support groups […]
Leverage Your Mind to Better Health
We love that you are someone who looks at health as a progressive action. ย Health isn’t something that is lost and needs to be regained but an action that is taken with regular consistency. ย But what about your friend or family member who isn’t in this frame of mind? ย How can we help them see […]
Happy Birthday!!! 120 Years of Chiropractic
Did you ever wonder how the healing art of Chiropractic got to where it is today? ย Where did such a simple concept originate from that it helps millions of people on a daily basis? ย Ever wonder why we celebrate Chiropractic’s birthday? Every year, we learn more and more about how an adjustment helps the body […]
The Man Who Got Poison Ivy As Bad As Dr. Nardi…
When I was younger I used to pick poison ivy with my hands and throw it at my brother and friends. ย They’d jump out of the way and scream at me. ย Now later in life, karma has a way of coming back around. ย When I look at the stuff, I break out, head to toe. […]