What happens when you don’t maintain your relationship with your spouse or kids? The relationship breaks down. What happens when you don’t maintain your car? The car breaks down. What happens when you don’t maintain your spine and nerve system? Your spine also breaks down. It becomes subluxated, degenerates and decays into arthritis, . […]
What is an Adjustment?
An Adjustment (Ad*just*ment) brings the body to balance. Broken down it is literally translated “Balancing, centering, of the mind. What does your mind need to be centered with? It needs to balance with your body and your spirit. An adjustment is moving A VERTEBRAE by hand. In fact, Chiropractic is translated, “Done by hand.” […]
What is a Subluxation (Sub*Lux*a*Tion)?
What is a subluxation (Sub*lux*a*tion)? A subluxation is something that interferes with the flow of your power. Literally defined, it is a “condition of less light.” Where? In your body. A couple of weeks ago we discussed your innate intelligence. That at the sub-atomic level we human beings are light condensed upon light. That […]
What is the cause? It seems there are many. In which case, are they truly cause(s)? Doesn’t the world “cause” imply one? In which case, maybe they mean “implications.” Dictionary.com defines cause as: “a person or thing that acts, happens, or exists in such a way that some specific thing happens as a result; the […]
Economic Crisis?
Question: How can Chiropractic help the current economic situation in America? Answer: Chiropractic teaches us to be thankful and appreciative for the miracle of life that we are. Let’s face it; there is a one in a billion chance that we are even here. With over a billion eggs in a woman’s ovaries and billions […]
I’ve been asked a couple of times now why we play movies in the office.As with everything else in our office, they are a representation of INNATE.Before you read on, answer this question to yourself….HOW? Innate is the expression of life.You, me, our children, dogs, cats, fish, trees, flowers, etc all express life.Each has its […]