Part of my vision for the future of humanity is a renewal of respected dialogue.ย The past twenty or so years have been marred with opinions, personal judgements, and divisiveness.ย But I see a future where the news anchors tell us the news rather than their opinions.ย I see a future where neighbors can respectfully dialogue and even if they have a difference of opinion are able to respect each other and shake hands and maintain a thoughtfulness for each other.
It all starts with our own inner connectedness.ย The idea of taking a deep breath and clearing our minds before we interact with someone or even speak is essential.ย We need to learn how to self-adjust our minds and hearts.ย For me, it begins with giving up the need to be right all the time.ย We don’t need to get in the last word or beat the drum of our moral superiority.ย What we all need is to gain a health respect for ourselves and others.ย That comes from doing the internal work of gaining control of our selves and emotions.
Compliments, agreements, and peace work for those who have done the internal work to realize it’s worth it to spend time loving thy neighbor.ย Take the time to get quiet and spend time alone with you and God.
We’re going to open up time at the office on Thursday, November 4 from 7-9 PM for folks to come in and just BE.ย It’ll be time to clear our minds before the elections and holidays.ย It’s open to everyone who is willing to come and just BE.ย Invite your friends as well as someone who has an opposing opinion from you.ย We look to create a space where people can come and BE different AND together.ย It can be done.ย I’m betting we can have a room full of people willing to do that.
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