As we move into the summer, are we being purposeful and intentional in our lives?
For me, when we go on a family hike, it’s about the exercise.ย I want to move fast and get my heart rate up.ย I push everyone to “keep up”.ย I do this because heart disease runs in my family and its something we all do together to change our future outcomes.ย But I never really explained that to my kids.ย That’ll change at our next hike.
Also, keeping up a fast pace may be having the exact opposite affect that I intend for.ย It’s possible the fast pace is breaking me and them down.ย So, this summer, I’ll take more thought to bring a guide book with me and be more leisurely in my pacing.
Are we training with the same intensity? Or, is it a time of purposeful rest?
Are we talking with and teaching our children?ย Or, is that the job of the public school system?
Are our activities for our growth benefit?ย Social benefit?ย Or, is it just rotely, “doing what we do every summer”?
When at Winding Trails, are we hiking with a purpose, teaching our kids about flora and fauna?ย Or, is it a time with family to reconnect?ย Or, is it just a walk in the park?
When at the club, are we learning something about our golf/tennis swing?ย Conducting business?ย developing meaningful relationships?ย Or are we sucking down an adult beverage, bragging of our exploits, while wasting time working on our tan?
None of these is a bad thing.ย Each activity has it’s purpose and merit.ย Being purposeful and intentional in what we do raises our awareness and vibrational energy.
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