One of the hardest experiences I had in life was saving money. There was always a bill to pay or a new client that was necessary first. It started off as a few dollars a month. That grew into a hundred each month, and the trend has continued. It was so slow the first few months, like I wasn’t even moving. Now, I get it.
Taking care of ourselves can be very similar. ย There is always the kids to take care of or another family member who we put before ourselves. ย But sooner or later, we realize that by not taking care of ourselves, we can’t help the ones we love. ย Sooner or later it all catches up to us and when that happens, things are even worse. ย Once we begin to put in that time and effort of helping ourselves we realize how little effort is required to do so and we are able to help both ourselves and them.
We are here to help you so that you can continue to help others you love.
Send this to that person you know who is always putting others ahead of themselves. ย Express your love for them by helping them do what is right for them and taking care of themselves.
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