Your life is made up of the choices you make.
Take a rock as an example. ย A rock can be used as a foundation for a building that safeguards families and provide shelter to it’s inhabitants.
A rock can also be used a a weapon to harm or kill another person. ย It can be used to destroy property such as a car or house window.
Regardless, a rock is a rock. ย It is an inanimate object unto itself. ย It can neither move nor decide for itself what it becomes. ย Only a human can make that decision. ย What you decide becomes of the rock, it becomes.
Same is true of your life. ย Here are some examples:
Teens can choose to study or not study. ย Their grades will be what they will be and their college or future will be determined as such. ย The college entrance/completion doesn’t matter, it is the ethic that does. ย Does such child develop a positive work ethic that carries through life, or a negative work ethic that carries through life.
Father pressures child to study and do homework. ย Child rebels. ย Father must decide to continue pressuring child furthering the madness or back off and allow child to make own decisions. ย This decision concerns father’s trust in life and decision will be determined by his own fear or trust in child to make good decisions for themselves. ย As parents we must know when to let go and give them their own responsibility.
An adult can opt to take a drink or not take a drink. ย Taking a drink may lead to sickness we call alcoholism. ย Not taking a drink will certainly lead away from such a sickness. ย Alcohol does not necessarily lead one to the sickness. ย Repeatedly making such decision will most certainly. ย Such a person needs help, not in ceasing to drink, but in recognizing their trigger to make a decision that affects their outcome. ย All addiction is the same.
What we choose determines our path. ย We are faced with multiple decisions every day, many o which go unnoticed as we are unaware. ย Awareness is key. ย To make better choices, become more aware.
Your life is made up of the choices you make. ย Our choices are determined by our awareness. ย Therefore our life is made up of our awareness.
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